1 on 1 Coaching

As an individual contributor or  leader at a Technology Company, you have a track record of success and on a scale of 1-10 in success you normally operate at a 9-10.  As you advance in your career new opportunities, goals and challenges arise. To stay at the level of success at your new level, you are looking for a co-pilot on your journey. Obstacles come up, crisis of confidence, or crossroads take you off your game. Challenges of growing the company, balancing priorities, leading and inspiring your team can push your boundaries.  No matter how successful you have been in your career, at times you need to be challenged, championed and get clarity on your path forward and realign to your values while being held accountable.

Work with 30 Year Technology Industry Veteran and Trained Executive Coach Alison Arnoff for 6 months.  While every engagement is unique, a sample of what we will work on is:   

Maximize Leadership Presence
Inspire and Motivate Teams
Manage Complex Decision Making
Work through Career Crossroads
Be Challenged to Grow Outside Your Comfort Zone
Define and Breakthrough Bottlenecks to Growth for Yourself and Your Company
Increase Clarity and Focus
Enhanced levels of competence and confidence
Identify and Remove Obstacles to Success
Faster Action to Achieve Goals
Manage Workload, Handle Stress and Ensure Work/Life Balance

Masterminds- Women Tech Leaders

Launching in 2021, Women Tech Leaders Mastermind. No longer be the only powerful woman in the room. We grow when we surround ourselves with others who help us grow, create community, expand our network, collaborate, and brainstorm together. If you want to learn about upcoming masterminds email alison@dare2becoaching.com

Group Programs - Confident Communication

Launching in 2021 Group programs for women founders, leaders, entrepreneurs and aspiring leaders that want help finding their voice, honing their message. There are a lot of programs telling you what to DO as an entrepreneur or leader but our focus is on who you have to BE as an entrepreneur to empower your success. If you want to learn about upcoming group programs for 2021, email alison@dare2becoaching.com